Many charities can and will raise £1 million in a year. Those that do have really understood the strategy and planning behind delivering successful fundraising.

To raise substantial amounts of money, takes time, organisation, and strategy, and by setting your foundations, you will stand a greater chance of success. Start by considering your organisational strategy first;
· What are the services the charity will be delivering,
· By when will projects need to implement and completed by,
· How many staff and or volunteers will it need,
· How much will it cost
· How will it be communicated internally and externally.
Once you know what you are fundraising for the charity can then start drafting and planning a fundraising strategy. It is important you do not rely on one income stream but, at the same time, remember to monitor your return on investment (ROI). It is best to focus on three successful income streams which provide the most return on your investment, that trying to spin plates and have loads of income streams with none doing well. Each income stream will need a key person to be responsible for its delivery. Fundraising is everyone’s responsibility from Trustees to employees and volunteers. A group focused effort generates more income than leaving it to one individual.
It is vital that you keep your key messaging concise, by saying what you will deliver and what difference this will make in three short sentences. This will allow your organisation to be instantly clear when requesting donations.
The power of networking should not be underestimated. There are around 260,000 philanthropist foundations globally who are distributing substantial figures on an annual basis. If you get it right, your charity can be transformed within one major donation. Cultivating major donors takes time and effort with networking being key. Building a rapport with individuals before asking for a major donation will ensure success when they are pitched to in the correct way.
When you are looking for your major donors consider researching company CEO’s, run an internet search on up-and-coming entrepreneurs, investigate their background, do their values match those of your organisation? Have they supported similar causes before? Also remember if they are a CEO of their own company consider a two-way approach, the first being a corporate partnership to get their staff involved in fundraising and the second being a major donation from them personally.
With any major donor you need to work on making them enthusiastic for your cause. Understand what motivates them. Will they want a project named after them? Dinner with your Trustees and CEO? A press release to announce their support or would they prefer to remain silent?
Often successful large charities have staff dedicated to looking after their major donors, to keep them up to date with progress within the charity. You can assign this role to a trustee if you are unable to employ staff.
Successful fundraising is all about strategy and preparation. If you cannot afford a staff fundraiser, consider outsourcing key pieces of work such as a case for support, this directly benefits and feeds your fundraising for a charity. It acts as a master document case for support (internal document) which can be used to complete grant application forms, approach corporate partners (businesses) for support. A really useful tool for an organisation’s success in fundraising. It really dives into your organisation and what you want to achieve. It breaks down:
· ‘The problem’ which the charity is addressing including facts and statistics,
· ‘The Solution’ why you are the best to meet the need, what you are doing and the impact it has.
· ‘The Impact’ How does your work help solve the problem, how are beneficiaries lives different afterwards, how do you measure the impact you have.
Your charity can and will generate £1 million in 12 months with the right planning and strategy implemented. However, whilst you are raising any sum of money, no matter how substantial, never forget your charities foundations.
If you need help with your charities fundraising, contact us today on 0121 368 0056 or email